Bulletin Articles
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I like the rule...
Sunday, March 04, 2018In one of the winter Olympic events this past week, there was a tie for first place and both countries received a gold medal. I think that was the right thing to do. If both crossed the finish line at the exact same time without any infractions, then both are winners. From this, Christians can understand and appreciate the following lesson.
Even though the Bible depicts the Christian life as running a race and needing to finish to obtain the reward (I Cor. 9:24; Heb. 12:1; II Tim. 2:5), it isn’t a competition between others. All Christians want everyone to be saved and obtain the reward (the gold medal so to speak).
When Paul spoke about the race he was in, he was definitely thinking about his reward (II Tim. 4:8). Yet Paul wasn’t wanting to obtain the prize alone. He stated, “there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.” (vr. 8).
During the Olympics I saw great sportsmanship. Why someone got bumped out of 1st place into 2nd, the runner-up would congratulate the winner. Of course, with Christians ,there isn’t any runner-up. All the faithful are winners! To help followers of the Lord learn this aspect of godly living, Jesus told the parable about the laborers in the vineyard (Matt. 20:1-16). Christ taught that if someone obeyed the gospel late in life, he obtains the same reward as someone who obeyed the gospel early in life. What Christian wouldn’t rejoice over someone obeying late in life? Hopefully none!
There is a comfort in knowing that brothers and sisters in Christ are not competing against each other. There is no such thing as a “Super Christian”. Every child of God is doing what they can, with the talents they have been given (Matt. 25:14-30). After all, no Christian can actually beat (or do more) than another Christian. Whatever one does, it is what was expected of them (Lk. 17:10). One cannot do over and beyond.
Sometimes there just isn't any logical answer!
Sunday, March 04, 2018When you read II Timothy 4:2-4, one can’t help but wonder why anyone who wants to go to heaven and wants to continue to worship God, turns to false teaching? Even though the apostle answers that question by saying that people will turn their away from the truth and turn aside to fables (vs. 4), we are still left wondering why anyone would do that?
I realize that there isn’t any good reason why people would leave the truth and cling to anything else. Even though the following just doesn’t seem right, here are some possible answers as to why someone would leave the truth and follow lies:
- There is comfort in numbers and that’s what the majority does (Matt. 7:13-14).
- The gospel is considered foolishness and there is no desire to be connected with foolishness ( Cor. 1:23)
- The gospel message doesn’t allow for “enjoyment” of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, or the pride of life (I Jn. 2:16).
- The preaching of the gospel demands that one make changes in their life, and there is a desire to stay the same (II Pet. 3:18).
- The preaching of the gospel doesn’t make one happy playing the hypocrite (Matt. 15:7-9).
- Standing fast in the gospel can cause one to be at odds with their own family (Matt. 10:34-35).
- Practicing what the gospel teaches will prevent one from gaining the praise of men (Lk. 6:26).
- Rejecting the gospel will be upsetting at first, but soon the lies will seem like truth once the conscience is seared (I Tim. 4:1-2).
- By preaching a “different gospel” you will have more success since it will be more appealing to the masses (Gal. 1:6-9).
- Since the gospel can’t be changed, if one turns to fables, they will feel like they have more control and not be governed by limitations (Col. 3:17).
- Without hearing the gospel, a person can now favor foolish flattery and empty praise (Prov. 7:5).
- Leaving the gospel will be much easier and it will take very little effort to go down another road (Jn. 14:6).
- Following the gospel involves church discipline. By leaving it, you can go where it isn’t done (I Cor. 5:1-10).
- By not appreciating those who preach the gospel and point the finger, one can leave and go where it isn’t taught. Then you can point the finger at those who do teach it (II Cor. 11:5-15).
- One can leave the gospel and believe lies because it makes them “feel” good. But it will be temporary (Heb. 11:25).
Being told without being told
Sunday, January 21, 2018The first article got me to thinking once again about the commands that we have been given without being given the specifics. Meaning, we need to do what we are told even when no specifics are given.
- Study the word of God, without being told exactly when (II Tim. 2:15).
- Pray often without being told exactly when (I Thes. 5:17).
- Do good to all especially those of the household of God, without being told exactly when (Gal. 6:10).
- Spread the good news without being told exactly when (II Cor. 5:11).
- Meditate upon the word of God without being told exactly when (I Tim. 4:15).
- Give yourself to hospitality without being told exactly when (Rom. 12:13).
- Test the spirits to see whether they are of God without being told exactly when (I Tim. 4:1).
- Examine yourselves whether you are in the faith without being told exactly when (II Cor. 13:5).
- Build others up in their faith without being told exactly when (I Thes. 5:11).
- Rejoice and again rejoice without being told exactly when (Phil. 4:4).
- Be thankful for everything without being told exactly when (I Thess. 5:18).
Many judgment calls
Sunday, January 21, 2018Recently in our Sunday morning Bible study class we studied the text of I Timothy 5:3-16, dealing with duties of children with a widow parent. It is not the purpose of this article to go back over all the things we studied; however, it was brought to my attention that it would be good to expand on the hardships children often face in having to look after an elderly parent.
The fact is this: just as parents make tough decisions in raising their children, the same happens when taking care of aged parents. Often it comes down to judgment calls. We might be quick to judge harshly someone who puts their parent in a facility that is unwanted. To this we need to be careful. There are times when around the clock medical attention is required. A son or daughter may not be qualified to handle certain needs.
None of the judgment calls that we are talking about ever provides justification for abandonment. I knew of a couple that were blessed with the opportunity to grow very old together. The downside is that it got to the point where one couldn’t physically take care of the needs of their mate. The one was eventually put in a nursing home so she could get around the clock care. The husband got up each morning and went down and spent the day with her. He did that until she passed. My point is that it wasn’t a case of not wanting to care for her, it was that he couldn’t. The same thing can happen with children.
Not all decisions that parents make for their children are understood and appreciated. The same can happen with parents toward their grown children. The important thing to remember is whatever life changing decisions that need to be made for a parent, remember Paul’s words to Timothy, “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (I Tim. 5:8).
It’s not necessarily wrong to do something for a parent that makes it better for everyone. The danger is in trying to justify passing off one’s responsibilities by saying it is better for everyone when it is truly only better for you. There is no question that it is very hard for anyone who is looking after a parent on their own. I have personally seen family members age long before their time because of the stress and work that is involved in looking after a loved one.
This is something brothers and sisters need to be aware of. In Galatians 6:2, we are told to bear one another’s burdens. This might mean to volunteer to sit with the member’s parent while they have a night off. It also might be needed to give some objective advice that might be hard to utter. It is very difficult to hear advice that encourages you to seek professional care, when you feel that no one else should do your job. The text of I Timothy 5 wasn’t written to cast guilt upon loyal and loving children who are unable to personally handle all the physical needs.
One of the hardest things any child has to face is when the parent no longer is able to think properly to express their wishes. Gaining the power of attorney is a double edge sword. On one hand, a person can now make decisions that is best for someone else without their permission. However, there can be a lot of doubt and stress, hoping that they choose what their parent would have wanted.
It’s such a wonderful blessing to have our parents live a long life. The reality is that everyone will someday die (Heb. 9:27). Children, as they get older and have families of their own need to think and plan for what will eventually come as their parents age. Also, parents need to also be thinking about things to help make it easier for their children for when that time comes. To not talk about it can create so many more problems. The Bible lesson today is that even though we make many judgment calls, let’s never forget our God given duties.
"Cannot" does not mean "can't"
Sunday, January 14, 2018At first reading, one would conclude that the apostle John stated that once a person becomes a Christian he/she no longer sins. Here is what John wrote, “Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.” (I Jn. 3:9). Is that true? Are saints sinless? Let’s take a closer look.
We need to go back to the first chapter to help us understand what is being taught. The apostle included himself when he told brethren, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (I Jn. 1:8). Notice that this inspired writer included himself by saying, “we”. Are we to assume that John, not any of the brethren that he is addressing, are born of God?
How can we harmonize the two statements that were uttered? Is this a case of a clear contradiction within the word of God? To that we say no. The apostle was inspired to write both and it is our duty to study and rightly divide them. The danger is in reading more into what was said. That actually goes for both. It is just as wrong to assume John, in the first chapter, was condoning the practice of sin, as it would be to conclude in chapter three he is now advocating perfection.
Christians are never allowed to sin. In I John 2:1, the brethren were told, “My little children, these things I write to you, that you may not sin.” All sin is evil and and has serious consequences unless repented of (Rom. 6:23; Lk. 13:3). There is not a hint of tolerance for sinning. We are commanded to resist the wiles of the devil (Jas. 4:7). But, when sin happens, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus (I Jn. 2:1).
This leads us to the text where John stated that those born of God cannot sin (I Jn. 3:9). What is John saying here, knowing he previously stated he and other saints have sinned? Firstly, the word “cannot” doesn’t mean they can’t. For example in Luke 16:3, Jesus spoke a parable where a steward said within, “What shall I do? For my master is taking the stewardship away from me. I cannot dig; I am ashamed to beg.” It wasn’t this man couldn’t dig. The same point is illustrated again by our Lord when He stated concerning someone who came to a friend a midnight, “and he will answer from within and say, ‘Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to you’?” (Lk. 11:7). It wasn’t that he couldn’t get up.
In John’s epistle he wasn’t saying those born of God won’t sin. If you read the whole text in I John 3:4-9, you can see the point is that those born of God will not abide in sin. In verse 7, it was said that those who “practice righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.” One born of God does not practice lawlessness. When and if they sin, they immediately repent. To walk in sin and not care, you cannot say they have Christ’s seed remaining in them (vr. 9). To be righteous, a saint must practice righteousness, not just do one act of righteousness.
Peter, Simon, John, the church at Ephesus, and all other Christians are born of God. For them to say they are, they better not have unrepented sin in their lives. Why? Because, as John wrote, those born of God do not abide in a sinful state. This is the comfort given to all who are baptized into Christ. To live in fear that if they ever sin again they might question their conversion. Paul taught that in Christ Jesus one can have the forgiveness of sin (Eph. 1:7). This spiritual blessing is for Christians. Why say such if Christians don’t sin once they are part of God’s family?
This article is a far cry from making allowances for sinning. When we do sin, there better be godly sorrow that leads to repentance, else we are not born of God (II Cor. 7:10). Read that text – it was talking about a fallen brother. May we rightly divide the word.