Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

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Who is not ready to become a Christian?

Sunday, April 29, 2018

We all know of people who know the truth, but for some reason there is something that is holding them back. Here is a list of things that are responsible for individuals not doing what they need to do.


  1. More of a love for the things this world has to offer (Lk. 18:18-23).
  2. More of a love for man than God (Jn. 12:42-43).
  3. Not convicted of sin and is willing to live in it (Rom. 6:3-9,17,19).
  4. Having a feeling of comfort in almost obeying (Acts 26:27-29).
  5. Waiting for a convenient time (Acts 24:24-27).
  6. Unwilling to gladly receive the word (Acts 2:41).
  7. Lack of faith (Heb. 11:6) 
  8. Lack of understanding (Acts 8:30) 
  9. Simply not willing to make the commitment (Matt. 11:28-30).

Remember: Anyone willing and wanting to obey the gospel – can!

