Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“Did Jesus care?”

Categories: 2 Peter 3:9, care, Christian, death, Ephesians 2:8, grace, mercy, paradise, Study the Word, Titus 3:5

Did Jesus care?


Jesus was on the cross next to two thieves, yet he only told one of them “Today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). Imagine hanging on a cross near death, yet you hear the other person being told they would be with the Lord in paradise. Do you feel sorry for that thief? Jesus certainly did, since He said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do,” (verse 34). That statement includes the second thief.


This article was sparked by a call I received this week. My mom was upset with the news that her sister’s husband died (my uncle Eric). I called my aunt Pat and expressed my condolences, but I found myself struggling with ways to offer comfort as I know the fate of those who do not care to follow the Lord – just as that thief.


Just as the Lord does not desire any to perish (II Pet. 3:9), we as His children should feel the same. That being said, many people will act like the harsh thief and refuse to turn to the Lord. Should we really feel sorry for someone who neglected such an opportunity? The answer is both yes and no.


It is terrible that anyone would choose the world’s broad way over the Lord’s narrow way. The unrepentant thief “got what was coming to him.” However, just because the faithful get to go to heaven does not mean they are getting what they deserve. No one deserves heaven. It was made possible by mercy and grace (Eph. 2:8; Titus 3:5). Even though we have loved ones that refuse to follow Jesus and leave this world unprepared, we still feel sorry for them.


My uncle went to Home Depot and bought some tile. He laid the second tile when he said he felt tired and needed to sit down. That was the last breath he took. We never know when we shall spend our last moments upon this earth. Let us do all we can to make sure we are prepared and have compassion on the lost. If you are not right with the Lord, take care of it immediately. Jesus does care! 

