Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“Being told without being told”

Categories: commanded, Study the Word

The first article got me to thinking once again about the commands that we have been given without being given the specifics. Meaning, we need to do what we are told even when no specifics are given.

  1. Study the word of God, without being told exactly when (II Tim. 2:15).
  2. Pray often without being told exactly when (I Thes. 5:17).
  3. Do good to all especially those of the household of God, without being told exactly when (Gal. 6:10).
  4. Spread the good news without being told exactly when (II Cor. 5:11).
  5. Meditate upon the word of God without being told exactly when (I Tim. 4:15).
  6. Give yourself to hospitality without being told exactly when (Rom. 12:13).
  7. Test the spirits to see whether they are of God without being told exactly when (I Tim. 4:1).
  8. Examine yourselves whether you are in the faith without being told exactly when (II Cor. 13:5).
  9. Build others up in their faith without being told exactly when (I Thes. 5:11).
  10. Rejoice and again rejoice without being told exactly when (Phil. 4:4).
  11. Be thankful for everything without being told exactly when (I Thess. 5:18).
