Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“What about Alexander Campbell?”

Categories: Alexander Campbell, Campbellite, church of Christ, Study the Word

When I study with my religious friends they are quick to respond to the first article by saying, “Well, the church of Christ was started by Alexander Campbell.” Just who is this man? Alexander Campbell was from Ireland. He was born in 1788 and died in 1866. His father, Thomas, was a Presbyterian minister. Alexander rebelled against much of the Presbyterian doctrine.


Alexander wasn’t the only one to object to many denominational doctrines and encourage people to get back to the scriptures. But there is no question that Alexander Campbell was a prominent figure of what is often referred to as the restoration movement.  Encouraging people to cast off the shackles of denominationalism wasn’t a bad thing. However, he is not to be credited with starting the church of Christ.


I personal left a denomination back in the 1970’s. When I started preaching and telling people to get back to the scriptures, I wasn’t starting the church of Christ either. Jesus did that back in 33 AD when He died (read first article). It would be like finding a recipe for homemade bread. If I make it, would that mean I invented bread? Of course not.


Any person today that belongs to a religious sect that was founded upon some man, can teach himself or herself out of it. When they do, they are not establishing anything new. The truth was given by Christ so that all can know (Jn. 8:32). This is why there were faithful Christians belonging to Christ’s church before Alexander Campbell came along. As a matter of fact, even though this man taught many things that were correct, he still clung to some doctrines that were not Biblically correct. This only teaches us again the important lesson that we are to follow no man but Christ Jesus.


Remember, you can claim that Christ is the builder and founder of your religious sect, but that is not true if it was founded upon a man or any man-made teachings. There were churches in Biblical times who were amiss but didn’t think they were (Read- Rev. 2-30). Let’s study the show ourselves approved.

