Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

“Bible booth at the farmer's market and county fair!”

Categories: study, Study the Word, teach

Everything has been confirmed! We will have a Bible booth in the Newburgh farmers market July 1st from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and in the county fair July 17-22. We will have cards for people to sign up for our Bible course, leave a Bible question for our TV and radio program and to set up a face to face Bible study. We will have other free Bible study materials and Bibles for those who need one.

Here is a sample of four questions that will be on one of our quiz boards (we have two boards). When they push the right button the green light will come on.

#1. James 2:24, reveals that man is saved…

  1. By faith only
  2. Not by faith only
  3. Not by faith

#2. We read in I Peter 3:21…

  1. Accept Jesus into your heart
  2. Pray the sinners prayer and thou shalt be saved
  3. Baptism does also now save us

#3. We read in I John 3:4 that sin…

  1. Is inherited
  2. Is transgression of law
  3. Does not bring forth death

#4.  In Matthew 16:16, Jesus said He was going to build…

  1. A denominational church
  2. Many different religious sects
  3. His church

The purpose of these efforts is to promote Bible discussions. We are simply wanting to encourage personal Bible study. We will have cards that lists the times of our TV and radio program and our website for them to check out. We pray that doors in the local community will open as we spread the word.
